Who we are

The club is an informal group at Moffitt dedicated to promoting a fun and supportive culture for learning biological data science. Our meetings are intended for all levels of computational backgrounds.

What we do


Learn to use the R programming language (and others).

Data Analysis

Get introduced to topics in data analysis and the importance of good data.

Data Visualization

Learn best practices for data visualization and new libraries for making Nature-quality figures.

Hot Topics

Learn the tools, packages, or libraries from some of the hottest topics in biological data science.

Come to the next club meeting!

We meet once a month on Fridays in the Moffitt Stabile Research Building (SRB) in the Murphey/Ferman conference rooms on the first floor. Guests from off-campus are welcome but will need to sign in with the front desk in the lobby. Please see the Moffitt research calendar for the list of upcoming club meetings.We are currently hosting meetings remotely while the Moffitt Cancer Center remains partially shut down due to coronavirus. Please email the organizers if you would like to attend via zoom.

Previous and upcoming topics

Contact us

The Bio-Data Club is hosted by the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource (BBSR) and organized by Paul Stewart, PhD (Bioinformatics Staff Scientist) and Richie Reich, PhD (BBSR Manager). Want to volunteer to give a workshop or lead a discussion at the next Club meeting? Have a suggestion to make the Club even better? Have other questions or comments? Please feel free to contact us using the email addresses below.

Funding for the Bio-Data Club is generously provided by the R Consortium through R User Group and Small Conference Support Program.